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 Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is a naturopath?

A naturopath is a preventative healthcare extraordinaire who subscribes to the philosophy that the body has an innate ability to heal using the healing power of nature and natural medicines. A naturopath doesn’t just address the symptoms of disease, but looks deeper in finding the cause. By taking into account your entire physical, emotional and bio-chemical health history, a naturopath will develop both corrective and long term maintenance care plans so you can achieve optimal health and get back to living a life you love!

Conventional medicine in the 21st century is so specialized that it treats symptoms with little attention given to the underlying causative factors of ill health. The practice of naturopathy aims to restore optimal health and well-being via the collaboration of modern and traditional, scientific, and empirical healthcare methods.

Q2. What types of appointments do you offer?

Angela consults with clients anywhere in Australia and offers secure online, phone and in-person appointments from her Robina Gold Coast clinic.

Q3. What is nutritional medicine?

Nutritional medicine recognises the impact of nutrition on our health. When the body is provided with the correct balance of foods and nutrients, we experience better health. Problems with the way our food is produced has increased the need to supplement our diets with vitamins and minerals. Our immune system and gut flora is unique and both affect our ability to process foods, absorb nutrients and to effectively get rid of wastes. External environmental factors such as pesticides and synthetic chemicals as well as food additives are thought to have led to an increased incidence of allergies and intolerances. Stress too, has an impact on our nutrient levels and if nutrient levels are low, our response to stress deplete the body’s stores of vitamins and minerals.

Q4. What is Herbal Medicine?

It’s the oldest form of medicine and has been practiced for thousands of years. In India for instance, herbal remedies are used in mainstream medicine in Ayurveda to treat a broad spectrum of ailments. An advantage of herbs over chemical remedies is that they stimulate the body’s own natural healing abilities by re-balancing and supporting it’s natural function. Today there is an exciting range of Western herbal medicines in the clinics comprehensive dispensary.

Q5. What happens in an initial consultation at Angela French Naturopath?

1. Upon booking your appointment, you will receive an electronic comprehensive health questionnaire. Please complete this BEFORE attending your appointment.

2. Your health history is assessed.

3. You will have a physical examination and health assessment. The physical examination includes (but is not limited to) analysis of tongue, nail and iris signs – these all provide important clues to the state of your health. Photo’s may be requested for online appointments.

4. Further testing (if required) will be discussed with you and the appropriate forms and instructions given.

5. Treatment strategies are then discussed and implemented over a proposed period of time.

Q6. What is Angela’s approach?

Angela is an experienced degree-qualified naturopath who has been in the health industry for more than 20 years. She is also a member of the Australian Natural Therapists Association. Combining her knowledge of traditional naturopathic protocols together with evidenced based methods, she creates solutions that get results for her patients. She is passionate about educating her patients on how to recognise physical and emotional cues that arise and may lead to ill-health. Angela draws on a variety of modalities such as nutrition, herbal medicine, lifestyle counselling and mindset and energy medicine. Her consultations are relaxed, but always professional and can tailor programs to fit even the busiest of lifestyle. The clinic is stocked with a comprehensive naturopathic dispensary. Prescriptions can be posted to clients anywhere in Australia. 

Q7. How can naturopathy help me?

Angela assists clients of all ages from babies to seniors and anyone in between. 

Commonly seen conditions:

Immune: Frequent infections, sinus and hayfever, allergies, glandular fever, auto-immune concerns.

Digestive: IBS, Constipation, diarrhoea, reflux, bloating, yeast infections, parasitic infections.

Womens health: Period problems such as heavy, painful or irregular periods, endometriosis, PCOS, fertility issues, fibroids, fibrocystic breasts, peri-menopause and menopause,

Nervous System: Stress, anxiety, fatigue, burn out, insomnia, headaches/migraines, cognitive decline and some mood conditions.

Skin: Acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, boils, 

Metabolic: Weight loss, thyroid concerns, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. 

She has a particular interest helping women of all ages requiring support for their mental health, healthy hormone balance, weight loss and digestive concerns. Angela is also a certified Metabolic Balance ® Coach. 

Q8. Is Lifestyle Counselling Offered?

Yes, we believe in treating the whole person, and not just your symptoms. Angela subscribes to the philosophy that your psychology often determines your biology. Meaning that she will often ask questions around your emotional and mental health, job satisfaction and relationships. 

Q9. What tests does Angela French recommend?

If deemed necessary, further testing maybe recommended to gather important information about your current state of health. Types of testing may include conventional blood pathology, stool testing, urine testing, hormone testing, nutritional assays and hair testing. Angela also offers in-house testing assessments which are normally included within a consultation. All external testing is billed privately. 

Q10. What Payment Methods are Accepted?

We accept all major credit cards (Excl. Amex and Diners), EFTPOS and cash. Please note that all accounts are payable on the day services are rendered. Zip pay is also available.

Q11: What are your opening hours? 

Angela French operates Monday to Friday 9am-5pm

Q12: Will I have to change my diet?

Well, that depends on you and how healthy you want to be. As the saying goes….”nothing changes if nothing changes” Dietary and lifestyle changes are a big part of the naturopathic healthcare model and often recommended. I will work closely with you to implement dietary and lifestyle changes as deemed necessary.

Q13: How much does it cost?

This depends on your condition and what you will require. Most people see visiting a naturopath as an investment in their future health. They also want sound advice, to live well, age well and be prescribed treatments that work. I have developed a policy to treat clients as I would treat myself if I had your condition. Please refer to my fee schedule for further information. 

Q14: How do I make an appointment?

The best and most efficient way to secure an appointment is to book online via this website. Appointments can also be made by contacting the clinic on 07 5580 9742. This is a callback service, so please leave a message. 

Q15: What if I still have more questions?

Don’t be shy, simply send Angela French a brief message to – it could go a long way towards securing you the freedom of good health, and that’s a priceless gift!